Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chris Lieto's sweet Trek bike at 2006 Vineman Ironman 70.3
This is where you wanna be: first to T2.

Thursdays are rest days which means that I get to kick back and generally be lazy before things return to full swing. The notion of a "rest day" has always been somewhat alien to me, but after reading literature from various sources that rest and recovery should be perceived as part of, not a departure from, a training program, I've decided that Thursday will be my de facto rest day for the winter off-season. Actually after you get past that awful mental hurdle of the crazy conviction that your fitness will plummet after not doing anything relatively taxing for a day, it starts to feel quite good. But of course that stupid fear always occupies the back of my mind, which is why I have yet to go more than a day without working out.

It's also a good time to start planning for the year ahead, working my races into my schedule, counting backwards to determine the start of my proper training program, and factoring in preparatory races along the way. Right now it's the off-season and so training volume ought to be reduced to around 70-80% of training season amounts, and intensity scaled back slightly, but not too much or you'll just undo all the gains over the past year. I really need to check out Ann Arbor Masters Swimming, just that I hate being overtaken in the pool by portly old men who look unimpressive on land but are surprisingly speedy in the water. Now, that is a real bummer for me, because swimming is my weakest link (having learnt freestyle for the first time only this summer), and it's probably the most frustrating out of the three components of triathlon because it's considerably far more skills-based than either cycling or running. I should really get over to the Masters swim sessions or I'll just become a very "fit, slow swimmer", according to an article I read which says that skills and technique are far more important than volume when it comes to swimming, and you can be really fit and swim bloody slow due to great shortcomings in efficiency. Shit, I don't want to be fit and slow.

Okay I've got a driving lesson in about ten minutes' time. Driving is amazing, need my license soon so races in the vicinity will be far more accessible!


Anonymous said...

driving is amazing!

im sorry you cant swim well. i can. HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

fengyi im going to run my first 42k this sat! wish me luck!