Saturday, April 27, 2002

hmmmz.. seems like this blog's getting quieter and quieter...:)
oh welLz:)
EVERYONE should watch the U channel show 'Plain Love 2'
it's beautifuL:)
oh hey! A4A can be aspiration of the As too... oh welLz:):):)
i have very nice sourCes of amusements:) *grInz*and qinGz...
u'lL just have to happily and patiently wait for your belated presents:)
have fun:)
i'm bored. very bored. utterly bored. no wait. i'm not bored.
i'm restless
very restless.
extremely restless
and fungi's logging in and out and in and out and in and out.
- come closer - (plain love's theme song) has been voted (won?) as one of the best theme songs ever:):):)
such a smooth blend of simplicity, tea and love. hahaha:)


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