Saturday, April 26, 2003

third water training yesterday. did time in a t1 and was doing 2k warmups around 12+ when i saw the nj j2s in spanking new crafts. think nj's got new boats or something. the new crafts look damn cool- shiny and brightly painted and all. they even have yellow ks! i think they're ignoring me but i guess i understand why. oh well.

capped in the darned t1 while doing 30 hard strokes. was feeling quite accomplished for only having capped in a t1 once, back in nj, then mag cut into my lane. i momentarily lost control and went under. shit. gee the rain yesterday was real heavy. especially when we were rowing in the direction away from sdba- the hard droplets kept pelting my face and i couldn't half see. as usual, direction was screwed up. hah.

but at least i tried my hand at a k2 for the first time. when i first got into it it was so damned unstable and i kept thinking that lyd and i would probably cap in no time at all, but we managed to row about 2k and back without capping! abit wobbly but still. haha. at least my capping record for ks stands at zilch. hahaha.

you say one thing
and then i go turning around again
working things over better left unsaid
spinning around in my head
taking a moment too personally

i have told you
just half the words
i've wanted to get to you
fear of rejection keeps my heart at bay
feelings i'd rather not say
i'd rather have you close
than never at all

but every now and then
when my world is closing in
i feel you breezing through my mind
i can attempt to close my eyes
i can avoid the wrong or right
but something deep inside says
my heart wants what it wants

darren hayes the heart wants what it wants

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