Tuesday, July 16, 2002

error five-o-three STILL happens at home. oh well. at least that's the blogging distraction gone from my self-imposed studying regime. my parents have consented to several Good Things if i ace my prelims and Os... they involve things like kahn's jersey and i guess that's motivation enough. now i just can't get that blonde-haired blue-eyed kahnster outta my head.

wonderful. oh yeah i've completed Chapter One since the last time i posted. now i'm staring at a blank screen and wondering how exactly to go about Chapter Two. ah wellus. the whole process repeats itself. we have darned chem prac after this. chem prac is most undoubtedbly the Bane Of My Life. but actually it gets pretty quirky sometimes. flame tests were enjoyable, but i can't exactly say the same about spilling dilute hydrochloric acid on a sore finger. sometimes i doubt the "dilute" in dilute hcl.

i used to say i didn't do it but i did it
telling everybody that i wasn't with it
though it brings tears to my eyes i can feel it
and i know inside that i'm gonna be alright

| i'm gonna be alright - j.lo feat nas |

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